Super Cali Listic
California Theme Park and Travel Blog
After spending a day watching some very entertaining videos by the talented girls of Whatever Hollywood I was upset. Upset, because I wanted to do the same thing – take my acting career into my own hands instead of waiting around for auditions. But unlike these girls, whose talents complemented one another (one’s an editor, one’s an actress, and one’s a singer/songwriter), I was alone. It was just me, my camera and my laptop. But then came Babs… Originally I thought of acting against a blow up doll, but then a good friend of mine suggested a Barbie and I hit Walgreens in search of a knock off Barbie doll and I found a Miss Lovely Patsy doll from China for 8 dollars a pop. And that was the start of the enduring friendship of Andie Mills and Babs Darling – Besties for life!
Andie and Babs’s first adventure was a road trip to Las Vegas Nevada. But not for a girl’s “vacay” as Andie hoped, but to help Babs canvass for Presidential hopeful Barrack Obama.
“Barbie Votes for Obama” Part 1 of 3
“Barbie Votes for Obama” Part 2 of 3
“Barbie Votes for Obama” Part 3 of 3