Super Cali Listic
California Theme Park and Travel Blog
My friends often share ideas they have for my various YouTube channels. I always listen to them and sometimes there is a real gem. Somebody mentioned that I should spoof Rachel Zoe. I didn’t know anything about her at the time, so I started to watch her reality show and I was hooked. I spent hours watching what I could find of her on the internet and then wrote this fun vid about Andie getting jealous when Babs befriends Zoe.
After doing a guest video for the YouTube channel “5 Awesome Optimists” I was asked to become one of their regular vloggers. I said sure and asked if I could vlog as my character Andie Mills from Life With Babs. I got the thumbs up and Andie became the “Friday Girl”:
Some of my favorite videos stemmed from real life experiences. When I got called into jury duty I immediately started brainstorming how I could film parts of the experience for my comedy channel LifeWithBabs. I did my time as a juror and I walked away with this little gem of a video about Andie mistaking jury duty for employment.
And of course I had to continue Andie’s job search a couple weeks later with this video about her booking a job as a “high fashion model.”