Super Cali Listic
California Theme Park and Travel Blog
I’m still on my version of maternity leave, meaning “on a break from posting videos on my various YouTube channels while I feed baby from my booby.” And as many of you know an internet addict like me can’t quit cold turkey, so of course I have adjusted all my social networking settings so that in one click from my iPhone I can post random home videos to all my various sites. Good times. Click below to watch videos from Mommyland, or as Jesse likes to call it “The Dairy Farm”.
This past weekend Jesse, BOB, Domino and I drove up the coast to my home town, the Santa Ynez Valley. Check out footage from my girlfriend’s baby shower (she’s due August 29, only ONE day from me!) and of the beautiful HWY 101 coastline.
For the 4th of July I headed up the coast to Santa Barbara to watch the fireworks show. Click to watch:
Between allergies and a characteristically weak immune system I have spent a good part of my life sick in bed. Although I find it to be miserable, apparently I also find it to be entertaining, as I have shot some of my favorite videos with a “sick” theme.
It all started with this photography film shot to Shel Silverstein’s poem “Sick”:
My next cold induced film was as Andie Mills for my YouTube channel “Life With Babs”:
And then this week again, instead of taking a sick day on my main channel SuperCaliListic I decided to make fun of my horrible cold and “unidentifiable face rash”:
I have a share and it also happens to be Valentine’s Day. So happy love day everybody!!! Click to watch:
Erica and I decided we need a series of “coffee talk” videos for The Whordies so we came up with Cameo Chameleons – where we teach the viewers how to “Chamiel” into different hip looks. For our first episode we transformed into punk rockers.
I met Erica Rhodes in an improv class and loved her infectious personality. We were lamenting our pathetic situation as actresses desperate for work when we came up with the concept of “The Whordies”. We decided that most internet viewers are geeky males so naturally we decided we needed two simple ingredients to conquer the internet: whores + nerdy = WHORDIES. If you don’t get it, you never will. And let the comedy revolution begin!
My friends often share ideas they have for my various YouTube channels. I always listen to them and sometimes there is a real gem. Somebody mentioned that I should spoof Rachel Zoe. I didn’t know anything about her at the time, so I started to watch her reality show and I was hooked. I spent hours watching what I could find of her on the internet and then wrote this fun vid about Andie getting jealous when Babs befriends Zoe.