North Bound posted by on November 4, 2013

I’ve been organizing a lot of video files recently and I found this gem today. Living in southern California I have developed a fascination of the freeway overpasses. I filmed this one when driving in Los Angeles from the north bound 110 onto the north bound 101. I kept the sound file as a news program covering life in Syria happened to be on the radio as I was recording. Every time I hear about Syria the situation seems to get worse instead of getting better. Sending my love to the beautiful people of that beautiful country. I’ve never been there but hope to see it some day.

Art Walk LA Goes Digital posted by on July 8, 2013

This week take a peak at what is happening in the digital art scene of Los Angeles.

I recently submitted a video art piece titled “Sisters” to the Downtown Los Angeles Film Festival. One of 15 digital shorts selected, I’m really looking forward to the screening Saturday morning (see details below). Meanwhile, the artist reception will be at LACDA (Los Angeles Center for Digital Arts) this Thursday night as part of LA’s Downtown Artwalk. Hope to see you there!

“Fast Film: Here and Gone in 60 Seconds”
Experimental One Minute Shorts
presented by
L.A. Center for Digital Art &
Downtown Film Festival Los Angeles

11am Saturday, July 13
Free and open to public

Downtown Independent Theater
251 South Main Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

1965 Stairwell posted by on March 29, 2013

Often when I walk up or down stairs I find myself thinking about scenes from an Alfred Hithcock film or M.C. Escher’s “House of Stairs”. Tuesday as I walked up this particular set of stairs I decided to film the experience. Click to watch:

Post Baby Post posted by on October 24, 2012

I’m still on my version of maternity leave, meaning “on a break from posting videos on my various YouTube channels while I feed baby from my booby.” And as many of you know an internet addict like me can’t quit cold turkey, so of course I have adjusted all my social networking settings so that in one click from my iPhone I can post random home videos to all my various sites. Good times. Click below to watch videos from Mommyland, or as Jesse likes to call it “The Dairy Farm”.

Explosion & the Easter Bunny posted by on April 10, 2012

My mom came to visit for Easter and we got to attend Cai Guo-Qiang’s Mystery Circle Explosion Project for MOCA and the next day, a local Easter Egg Hunt. The Easter Bunny himself even made an appearance! Check it out: