Super Cali Listic
California Theme Park and Travel Blog
I have only done a handful of video collabs on YouTube but this particular one is definitely a fave – a stare competition between me and “X Samantha Nicole”.
Some of my favorite videos stemmed from real life experiences. When I got called into jury duty I immediately started brainstorming how I could film parts of the experience for my comedy channel LifeWithBabs. I did my time as a juror and I walked away with this little gem of a video about Andie mistaking jury duty for employment.
And of course I had to continue Andie’s job search a couple weeks later with this video about her booking a job as a “high fashion model.”
After a couple of months on YouTube I found myself supported by a community of fellow YouTube users and one of them, Sean Hollick, had a channel called “5 Awesome Optimists”. He asked if I would like to do a guest video to be featured on there channel. So I came up with a video about Andie confusing the word Optimist with Optometrist. I had tons of fun shooting this video, my favorite was featuring my real eye doctor, Mr. Gross (that is his real name and I think he would also appreciate it if I mention that he is actually a ophthalmologist playing the role of an optometrist in the following video).
When I first posted this video, Andie confesses that she only has 250 total views, now with over 55,112 views it’s fun to look back on the channel’s start.
Andie Mills is all dressed up for a wild night of “debauchery and mayhem” but soon confesses that she is actually spending Halloween alone on YouTube because her BFF Babs has ditched her to hang out with her boyfriend, Kip.